Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/667

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PROFESSORS. 661 Thomas Pilgrim, M.A., 24th Aug. 17 12. Walter Taylor, M.A., 1726. William Fraigneau, M. A., 1744. Thomas Francklin, M.A., 1750. Michael Lort, M.A., 1759. James Lambert, M.A.. 177 1. William Cooke, M.A., 1780. ^ Richard Porson, M.A., 1792. James Henry Monk, M.A., 1808. Afterwards bishop of Gloucester. Peter Paul Dobree, M.A., 1823. James Scholefield, M.A., 1825. William Hepworth Thompson, M.A., 1853. PROFESSORS OF ARABIC. Sir Thomas Adams, knight, lord mayor of London, having given 40I. per annum for the maintenance of an Arabic lecture in Cambridge, and made certain con- stitutions concerning the same, in 1632, his Majesty was pleased to confirm the constitutions (dated 20th June 1666) under the Great Seal 4th July 166626. Abraham Wheelock, M.A., 1632. Edmund Castle, S.T.P., late of Eimnanuel college, 1664. John Luke, S , T . P . , felloio of Chrisfs college^ 1685. Charles Wright, S.T.P., late fellow of Trinity college^ 1702. Simon Ockley, 1711. Ob. Aug. 1720. Leonard Chappelow, vice Simon Ockley, 15th Sept. 1720. Ob. 13th Jan. 1768. Samuel Hallifax, LL.D., 1768. Afterwards bishop of Gloucester. William Craven, S.T.B., 1770. Joseph Dacre Carlyle, J3.D., J 795. Ob. 12th April 1804. John Palmer, B.D., 1804. Samuel Lee, M. A., 1819. Thomas Jaerett, M.A., 1831. '^ See Addit. MSS. 5810.