Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/734

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728 INDEX Chambyr, John, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 544. Champagne, (ieorge, can. Windsor, 413. Champvent, Will, de, subd. York, 128. Chancefeld, Robert, prb. York, 191. Chandeler, Thomas, j)rb. York, 175. Chandeler, Thomas, chan. York, 164. Chandelour, Daniel, proc. Cambridge, 623. Chandler, Edward, prb. Worcester, 86. Chandler, Edward, bp. Durham, 297. Chandler, John, proc. Oxford, 497. Chandler, Richard, proc. Oxford, 500. Chandler, Wadliam, prl). Durham, 320. Chanvill,WiUiam de, archd. Richmond, 136. Chapirnay, Lewis de, chan. Oxford, 463. Chaplin, Robert, ])rb. Southwell, 443. Chapman, Benedict, mast. Gonville and Caius coll. Cambridge, 678. Chapman, James, bp. Colombo, 338. Chapman, Joseph, pres. Trinity coll. Oxford, 572. Chapman, Joseph, proc. Oxford, 500. Chapman, Jos., vice-chan. Oxford, 479. Chapman, Samuel, tax. Cambridge, 638. Chapman, Thomas, prb. Durham, 311. Chapman, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 499. Chajjman, Thomas, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 695. Chapman, Thomas, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 610. Cha])])el, John, prb. York, 221. Chappell, Edward, prb. Southwell, 455. Chajipelow, Leonard, prof. Arab. Cam- bridge, 661. Chaj)pelow, Leonard, L. Aim. prof. Arab. Cambridge, 662. Charite or Perkins, Humphrey, prb. Westminster, 355. Charlesworth, John, tax. Cambridge, 644. Charlet, Francis, prb. Worcester, 82. Ciiarlet, John, ])rb. Worcester, 85. Charleton, llumj)h. de, ])rb. York, 209. Charlett, Arthur, proc. Oxford, 495. Charlett, Arthur, mast. University coll. Oxford, 538. Charlton, Francis, ])rb. Southwell, 434. ('harlton, Lewis, chan. Oxford, 46.-,. Charlton or ('herlton, Thomas, archd. Northumberland, 306. Charnelles, John de, prb. York, 200. Charnells, John de, ])rb. York. 198. Charnock, .lames, proc. Oxford, 4S9. (.'harnocU, Stej)hen, ])roc. Oxford, 494. Chase, Drummond Percy, proc. Oxford, 505- Chase, Thomas, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, 540. Chateresse, John de, mast. Clare hall, Cambridge, 670. Chaterton, Edmund, prb. Southwell, 419, 432, 444, 451, 456. Chaumbre,J()hn de la, dn.Windsor,37i. Chaundeler, John, ])rb. Winchester, 37. Chaundeler, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 432. Chaundeler, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 482. Chaundeler, Thomas, vice-chan. Ox- ford, 472, 473. Chaundeler, Thomas, chan.Oxford,467, 468. Chaundeler, William, proc. Cambridge, 616. Chaimdler, Thomas, ward. New coll. Oxford, 554. Chaundler, Thomas, vice-chan. Ox- ford, 474. Chauntrel, Nicholas, prb. York, 191. Chause or Chausey, Robert de, bp. Carlisle, 233. Chausey, Robert de, bp. Carlisle, 233. Chaworth, Richard, })roc. Oxford, 492. Chaytor, Henry, prb. Durham, 311. Cheap, Andrew, jirb. York, 197. Checano, Thomas de, prb. York, 208. Chedsey, William, can. Windsor, 394. Chedsey, William, pres. Corjms Christi coll. Oxford, 566. Chedworth, John, prb. York, 199, Chedworth, John, j)rov. King's coll. Cam])ridge, 683. Cheek, sir John, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 660. Cheek, sir John, pub. orat. Cambridge, 613. Cheiney, Edward, prb. York, 176. Cheke, John, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Cheney, Edward, prb. York, 223. Cherlton or Charlton, Thomas, archd. Northuml)erland, 306. Cherlton, Humphrey de, archd. Rich- mond, 138. Cherlton, Humphrey de, chan. Oxford, 465. Cherlton, Thomas de, prb. "()rk, 212. Chester, Peter, proc. Caml)ridge, 627. ('heslerrteld, John de, prb. York, 191. Chesterfield, Richard de, prb. South- well, 438, 4-,o. Chesterfield, Roger de, prb. York, 191. Cheston, Ste|)hen, prb. Winchester, 32. Cheston, Stephen, arciid.Winchester,26. Cheston, 'I'homas. prl). York, 191.