Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/751

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N O M I N U M. 745 Farendon,Will., vice-chan. Oxford, 470. Farewell, Phillips, tax. Cambridge, 642. Fargis, Bertrand de, prb. York, 198, 206. Fargis, Bertrand de, archd. East-Riding, 142. Farington, Robert, prb. York, 219. Farington, Robert de, prb. York, 200. Farish, Charles, tax. Cambridge, 646. Farish, William, proc. Cambridge, 631. Farish, William, tax. Cambridge, 645. Farish, William, prof. chem. Cam- bridge, 66^. Farish, William, Jack. prof. nat. phil. Cambridge, 666. Farlington, S. de, archd. Durham, 302. Farmer, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 630. Farmer, Richard, mast. Emmanuel coll. Cambridge, 702. Farmer, Richard, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 611. Farmer, Robert, vice-chan. Cambridge, 611. Farnham, Nich. de, bp. Durham, 286. Farnilau'e, Thomas de, prb. York, 174. Farr, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 620. Farren, James, proc. Oxford, 493. Farrer or Fayrer, James, prof. nat. phil. Oxford, 520. Farylaw or Femilavve, Thomas de, chan. York, 164. Fauntleroy, William, vice-chan. Oxford, 474, 475. Faussett, Godfrey, prb. Worcester, 85. Faussett, Godfrey, Marg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 519. Faversham, Simon de, chan.Oxford,464. Favour, John, prb. Southwell, 449. Favour, John, prb. York, 208. Favour, John, pre. York, 157. Fawcet, Richard, {)rb. Durham, 316. Fawcett, James, Norr. prof. div. Cam- bridge, 665. Fawcett, Richard, prb. Durham, 311. Fawcett, Stephen Glas, proc. Cam- bridge, 634. Fawcett, Stephen Glas, tax. Cambridge, 648. F'awne, John, Marg. prof div. Cam- bridge, 6;,^. Fawne, Jolin, vice-chan. Cambridge, 603. Fayrer or Farrer, James, prof. nat. pliil. Oxford, 520. Feast, Edward, tax. ( 'ainbridgc, 640. Feild, Robert, prl). Southwell, 420. Feild, Robert, subdn. York, 130. Feld, Richard, can. Windsor, 381. VOL. in. Fell, John, dn. Christ Church, Oxford, 569. Fell, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 478. Fell, Samuel, prb. Worcester, 84. Fell, Samuel, proc. Oxford, 491. Fell, Sam., Marg. prof. div. Oxford, 518. Fell, Samuel, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 569. Fell, Samuel, vice-chan. Oxford, 477. Fell, William, archd. Nottingham, 151. Felter, William, prb. York, 166, 183. Felter, William, archd. York, 133. Felter, William, dn. York, 125. Felton, Henry, pub. orat. Cambridge, 614. Felton, Henry, prin. Edmund hall, Oxford, 594. Felton, Nicholas, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 675. Felton, Robert, can. Windsor, 385. Fenman or Ferryman, Thomas, prb. Worcester, 83, Fenton, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 638. Fenton, Timothy, prb. Southwell, 425. Fen wick, John, proc. Cambridge, 635. Fen wick, Thomas de, prb. York, 210. Ferebie, Will, de, ])rb. Southwell, 462. Fereby, Nicholas de, prb. York, 213. Ferentino, Stephen de, prb. Southwell, 437- Ferguson, Rich., proc. Cambridge, 635. Ferguson, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 649. Feriby, Richard, prb. Southwell, 432. Feriby, William de, prb. York, 192. Fermour, John, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Feme, Henry, mast. Trinity coll. Cam- bridge, 700. Feme, Henry, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Feme, Henry, bp. Chester, 260. Femilawe or Farylaw, Thomas de, chan. York, 164. Ferquhard, bp. Sodor, 325. Ferrar, Edward, mast. University coll. Oxford, 538. Ferrar, John, proc. Cambridge, 629. Ferrar, John, prin. New-Inn hall, Ox- ford, 589. Ferraras, Robert, bp. Sodor ^and Man, 326. Ferrer, Ro])ert, prb. York, 178. I'Y'rrer, John de, j)r}). Southwell, 455. luirret, Thomas, prb. ^'ork, 210. luTriby, Thomas, prb. York, 166. Ferriby, John dc, prb. York, (72. Ferrlby, Will, dc, prb. York, 172, 181. Ferriby, Win. de, archd. ('levcland, 146. 5 '