Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/757

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NOMINUM. 751 Gilpin, Luke, prb. Southwell, 444. Gilys or Gyglis, John de, archd. Glou- cester, 78. Gimingham, William, proc. Cambridge, 632. Gineswell, John de, archd. Richmond, 138. Gipps, Henry, prb. Carlisle, 253. Girald, Garcinus, prb. York, 196. Girdler, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 497. Girdler, Thomas, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 524. Girhngton, Anthony, proc. Cambridge, 618. Girhngton, Anthony, pub. orat. Cam- bridge, 614. Gisborne, Thomas, prb. Durham, 309, 313- Gisborne, William, prb. York, 219. Gisbourne, James, prb. Durham, 312. Gisburgh, John, prb. York, 179. Gisbiu-gh, John, pre. York, 155. Gisby, George, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ford, 522. Giselham, Andrew de, chan. Cam- bridge, 597. Gladstone, Right Hon. William Ewart, burg. Oxford, 508. Glanville, Joseph, prb. Worcester, 80. Glasier, Thomas, rect. Exeter coll. Ox- ford, 546. Glazier, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 489. Glenn, George, prb. Worcester, 87. Glisson, Francis, Reg. prof. phys. Cam- bridge, 658. Ghsson, John, proc. Oxford, 493. Gloucester, Walter de, prb. York, 166. Gloucester, Walter of, archd. York, 132. Glover, John, proc. Oxford, 489. Glover, John Hulbert, tax. Cambridge, 648. Glover, William, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Glyn, Hugh, proc. Cambridge, 618. Glvn, William, pres. Queens' coll. Cam- oridge, 685. Glyne, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 604. Glvnn, William, Marg. prof. div. Cam- oridge, 6,,4. Glynn, sir WilHam, burg. Oxford, 506. (ioad, (ieorgo, proc. ('ainbridgf, 623. Goad, Roger, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Goad, Roger, vice-chan. Cambridge, (load, Thomas, [)rl). Winchester, 41. Goad, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 622. Goad, Thomas, Reg. prof. civ. law, Cambridge, 657. Gobat, Samuel, bp. Jerusalem, 339. Goche, Barnabas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Goche, Barnaby, burg. Cambridge, 649. Goche, Barnab)^ mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 695. Goche, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 622. Godburne, Henry, prb. York, 181. Goddard, Jonathan, burg. Oxford, 506. Goddard, Jonathan, ward. Merton coll. Oxford, 545. Goddard, Peter, vice-chan. Cambridge, 610. Goddard, P. S., proc. Cambridge, 629. Goddard, Peter Stephen, mast. Clare hall, Cambridge, 672. Goddard, Thomas, can. Windsor, 406. Goddard, Vincent, proc. Oxford, 491. Godelegh, John de, prb. York, 212. Godfrey, archd. Worcester, 73. Godfrey, Henry, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 686. Godfrey, Henry, vice-chan. Cambridge, 612. Godley, Richard, prb. Chester, 272. Godolphin, Henry, prov. Eton, 344. Godwin, Thomas, dn. Christ Church, Oxford, 568. Godwyks, John, prb. Southwell, 459. Goldesbrough, John, proc. Oxford, 502. Goldesburgh, Thomas de, archd. Dur- ham, 302. Golding, John, prb. York, 190. Goldington, Richard, chan. Cambridge, 598. Goldsborough, Godfrey, prb. Worces- ter, 81. Goldsborough, Godfrey, archd. Wor- cester, 75. Goldvvell, James, can. Windsor, 387. Goldwell, Richard, prb. York, 205. Gooch, Coppinger Henry, proc. Cam- bridge, 634. Gooch, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 609. Gooch, sir Thomas, mast. Gonville and Cains coll. (Cambridge, 678. Good, John, proc. Oxford, 493. Good, Nicholas, proc. Oxford, 483. (jood, Thomas, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, 541. Goodall, Joseph, can. Windsor, 413. (loodall, Joseph, prov, I*'ton, 24,',. (foodday, John, jjroc. ('ainl)ridge, 623. Goodcnough, Kdniund, prb. Carlialo, 253-