Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/759

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N M I N U M. 753 Graham, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, , 612, 613. j Graham, John, bp. Chester, 263. ! Grahme, William, prb. Durham, 309. , Grahme, William, dn. Carlisle, 247. Granby, marquis of, burg. Cambridge, 651. Granchester, Anthony, chan. Cam- bridge, 598. Grandison, Gerard de, prb. York, 166. Grandison, John de, prb. York, 201. Grandison, John de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Grant, Edward, prb. Westminster, 359. Grant, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 481. Grante, Gabriel, prb. Westminster, 358. Granville,Court, hon. can. Durham, 320. Grave, Wilham, prb. Southwell, 424, 438. Graviston or Graystanes, Robert de, (Durham,) 289. Gray, Robert, prb. Durham, 315,316. Gray, Robert, hon. can. Durham, 320. Gray, Robert, bp. Cape Town, 338. Gray, Thomas, prof. mod. hist. Cam- bridge, 664. Gray, Walter, abp. York, 102. Gray, William, can. Ripon, 332. Gray, William, prb. SouthweU, 453. Grayson, Anthony, prin. Edmund hall, ^ Oxford, 595. Graystanes or Graviston, Robert de, (Durham,) 289. Greatorex, Anthony, pre. Carhsle, 251. Greaves, John, Sav. prof, astron. Ox- ford, 521. Greaves, Nicholas, proc. Oxford, 493. Gree, Thomas, prb. Southwell, 427. Green, (ieorge, tax. Cambridge, 640. Green, John, tax. Cambridge, 645. Green, John, prb. York, 181. Green, John, Reg. prof. div. Cam- bridge, ()■"/). Green, John, prin. Magdalen hall, Ox- ford, r,86. Green, John, mast. Corpus Christi coll. ('arnbridge, 682. Green, John, vice-chan. Cambridge,6 10. (ireen, John, (Worcester,) 59. Green, Martin Johnson, proc. Oxford, Green, R^jbcrt, )voc. Cambridge, 628. (ireen, Samuel, prb. Worcester, 83. (ireen, ThomaH, prb. Westminster, 366. Green, Thomas, Vood. j)rof. geol. Cam- bridge, 665. (ireen, Thomas, mast. (Corpus Christi coll. (Cambridge, 682. VOL. III. Green, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608, 609. Green, William, prb. York, 181. Greene, Christopher, Reg. prof. phys. Cambridge, 658. Greene, Maurice, prof. mus. Cambridge, 666. Greenhaugh, Jon., proc. Cambridge,623. Greenville, Dennis, dn. Durham, 300. Greenville or Grenvile, Dennis, archd. Durham, 304. Greenwood, Charles, proc. Oxford, 491. Greenwood, Daniel, prin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 564. Greenwood, Daniel, vice-chan. Oxford, ,477- Greenwood, Thomas, prb. York, 191, 197,217. Greenwood, Wm., tax. Cambridge, 647. Gregforth, William, mast. University coll. Oxford, 536. Gregory, Christo., prb. Southwell, 417. Gregory, Christopher, prb. York, 169. Gregory, Christopher, archd. York, 134. Gregory, David, Reg. prof. mod. hist. Oxford, 530. Gregory, David, Sav. prof, astron. Ox- ford, 522. Gregory, David, dn. Christ Church, Oxford, 571. Gregory, Edward, prb. Chester, 269. Gregory, Edward, prb. Southwell, 445, Gregory, Henry, proc. Oxford, 497. Gregory, Henry, prof. mor. phil. Ox- ^ ford, 524. Greisley, Henry, prb. Worcester, 80. Grene, John, prin. Hart hall, Oxford, 582. Grene, Simon, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Grene, Simon, vice-chan. Oxford. 474. Grene, Thomas, mast. Catharine hall, Cambridge, 686. Grene, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 603. Grene, alias Fotherby, Simon, vice- chan. Oxford, 474. Grene, abas Sj)rotton, John, bp. Sodor and Man, 326. Grenefeld, William dc, prb. Southwell, Grenefeld, William dc, abp. York, 105. Grencley,']'hos., vice-chan. Oxford, 471. Greneway, Thomas, pres. Corpus Christi coll. Oxford, 566. Grenlcy, Thomas, j)roc. Oxford, 481. (ircnvilc or (ireenvillo, Dennis, archd. Durham, 304. 5D