Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/808

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802 INDEX Sayer, George, prb. Durham, 318. Sayer, George, arclul. Durham, 305. Sayer, John, mast. Catharine hall, Cam- bridge, 687. Sayer, Robert, prb. York, 216. Sayer, Thomas, prb. Winchester, 40. Sayer, Thomas, archd. Surrey, 31. Saywell, William, mast. Jesus coll. Cam- bridge, 689. Saywell, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 608. Scaldeford, alias Brunkler, Stephen, can. AVindsor, 378. Seamier, Edmund, prb. York, 226. Seamier or Skamler, Edmund, prb. Westminster, 354. Scamp, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 622. Scampton, Robert de, prb. York, 221. Scardburgh, Robert de, prb. York, 194. Scardeburgh,Robt. de, chan.York, 163. Scardeburgh, Robert de, archd. East- Riding, 142. Scardeburgh, Robert de, dn. York, 12 [. Scargill, Robert, prb. York, 196. Scauren, Walter de, chan. Oxford, 465. Schipton, Henry de, archd. Notting- ham, 150. Schireburne, John, proc. Oxford, 481. Scholefiield, James, lieg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 661. Sclater, Thomas, burg. Cambridge, 650. Scot, Alan, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 552. Scot, Clement, proc. Cambridge, 626. Scot, James, chan. Cambridge, 602. Scot, John, prb. York, 218. Scot, John, dn. York, 126. Scot, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 488. Scot, alias Rotheram, Thomas, mast. Pembroke coll. Cambridge, 673. Scot, alias Rotheram, Thomas, abp. York, 112. Scot, alias Stichill, William, archd. Worcester, 73. Scot,alias Stichill, Wm., (Durham, )285. Scotson, Thomas, tax. Cambridge, 640. Scott, Cuthbert, mast. Christ's coll. Cambridge, 690. Scott, Cuthbert, vice-chan. Cambridge, 604. Scott, Cuthbert, bp. Chester, 258. Scott, Gregory, prb. Carlisle, 254. Scott, Gregory, chan. Carlisle, 251. Scott, Peter, can. Windsor, 404. Scott, Richard, pre. Carlisle, 251. Scott, Robert, tax. Caml)ridge, 638. Scott, Robert, mast. Balliol coll. Oxford, 340. Scott, Robert, mast. Clare hall, Cam- bridge, 671. Scott, Rob., vice-chan. Cambridge, 606. Scott, Thomas, prb. York, 167. Scott, Thomas Hobbes, hon. can. Dur- ham, 320. Scott, William, prof. anc. hist. Oxford, 526. Scott, sir William, burg. Oxford, 508. Scott, Right Hon. sir William, burg. Oxford, 508. Scroope, Richard, bp. Carhsle, 239. Scroope, Geoffrey le, prb. York, 166. Scroope, Stephen le, prb. York, 183. Scroope, Wm. le, archd. Durham, 304. Scroope or Scrop, Richard le, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, 698. Scrop, Richard le, ward. King's hall, Cambridge, C98. Scrope, Ralph, archd. Northumberland, 307- Scrope, Richard, proc. Oxford, 500. Scrope, Jeffrey le, prb. York, 203. Scrope, Richard le, chan. Cambridge, 599, 600. Scrope, Stephen le, prb. York, 196, 198. Scrope, Stephen le, archd. Richmond, i39- Scrope, Stephen le, chan. Cambridge, 599- Sculthorpe, John de, prb. South well,456. Scureb', Richard de,prb. Southwell, 461. Seaman, J^azarus, mast. Peter house, Cambridge, 669. Seaman, Lazarus, vice-chan. Cambridge, 607. Searchfield, Rowland, proc.Oxford,490. Searle, John, ])rb. York, 224. Searle, Thomas, prb. York, 204. Searle, John de, prb. York, 219. Seeker, Thomas, prb. Durham, 311. Sedgwick, Adam, proc. Cambridge, 633. Sedgwick, Adam, Wood. prof. geol. Cambridge, 665. Sedgwick, William, pres. Queens' coll. Cambridge, 686. Sedgwick, William, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 609. Seeres, Nicholas, proc. Cambridge, 619. Segar, Stephen, prb. York, 189. Segden, John, proc. Oxford, 482. Segden, John, archd. Gloucester, 78. Segden, John, mast. Balliol coll. Ox- ford, 540. Segiswyke, Thomas, Marg. prof. div. Cambridge, 654, 6:^^. Segrave, Gilbert de, clian. Cambridge, 598. I