Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/812

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806 INDEX Smith, John, prov. Oriel coll. Oxford, , 550- Smith, John, mast. Pembroke coll. Oxford, 579. Smith, John, vice-chan. Cambridge, 603, 610. Smith, John James, proc. Cambridge, 634- Smith, Joseph, proc. Oxford, 496. Smith, Joseph, Sav. prof. geom. Ox- ford, 521. Smith, Joseph, prov. Queen's coll. Oxford, 553. Smith, Matthew, prin. Brasenose coll. Oxford, 563. Smith, Melchior, prb.York, 167. Smith, Michael, pre. Carlisle, 251. Smith, Michael, proc. Cambridge, 630. Smith, Nathaniel, prb.York, 172. Smith, Richard, prb. Carlisle, 255. Smith, Richard, proc. Cambridge, 618. Smith, Robert, prb. Chester, 268. Smith, Robert, Plum. prof, astron. Cambridge, 663. Smith, Robert, mast. Trinity coll. Cam- bridge, 700. Smith, Robert, vice-chan. Cambridge, 609. Smith, Robert, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. Smith, Samuel, prb. Durham, 319. Smith, Samuel, prb. Southwell, 428. Smith, Samuel, prb. Westminster, 368. Smith, Samuel, prb. York, 192. Smith, Samuel, proc. Oxford, 492. Smith, Samuel, dn. Christ Church, Ox- ford, 571. Smith, Sebastian, prb. Winchester, 43. Smith, Soph., proc. Cambridge, 620. Smith, Thomas, prb. Carlisle, 252. Smith, Thomas, prb. Durham, 309, 312. Smith, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 621. Smith, Thomas, proc. Oxford, 490, 495, 496. Smith, Thomas, prin. Hart hall, Ox- ford, 583. Smith, Thomas, vice-chan. Oxford, 473. •Smith, Tliomas, dn. Carlisle, 246, 247. Smith, Thomas, bp. Carhsle, 243. Smith, sir Thomas, pub. orat. Cam- bridge, 613. Smith, sir Thomas, Reg. prof. Greek, Cambridge, 660. Smith, sir Thomas, prov. Eton, 343. Smith, sir Thomas, dn. Carlisle, 246. Smith, William, proc. Oxford, 4S7, 488. Smith, William, tax. Cambridge, 638. Smith, William, prb. Worcester, 79. Smith, Wilham, archd. Surrey, 30. Smith, William, dn. Chester, 265. Smith, WiUiam, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Smith, William, ward. Wadham coll. Oxford, 577. Smith, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 605. Smith, William, vice-chan, Oxford, 477. Smith, William, chan. Oxford, 468. Smithson, Chas., proc. Cambridge, 625. Smithson, Chas., tax. Cambridge, 639. Smithson, John, proc. Cambridge, O22. Smithson, John, tax. Cambridge, 636. Smoult, Thomas, prof. mor. theol. Cam- bridge, 663. Smyth, George, proc. Oxford, 500. Smyth, John, prb. York, 193. Smyth, John, proc. Oxford, 488. Smyth, John, prin. St. Mary hall, Ox- ford, 584. Smyth, John Henry, burg. Cambridge, 652. Smyth, Ralph, proc. Oxford, 489. Smyth, Richard, Reg. prof. div. Ox- ford, 509. Smyth, Richard, prin. Alban hall, Ox- ford, 591. Smyth, Richard, vice-chan. Oxford, 475. Smyth, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 616. Smyth, Thomas, pub. orat. Oxford, 534. Srnyth, Thomas, vice-chan. Cambridge, 603. Smyth, Walter, mast. Corpus Christi coll. Cambridge, 681. Smyth, William, proc. Cambridge, 616. Smyth, William, prof. mod. hist. Cam- bridge, 664. Smyth, William, mast. Clare hall, Cam- bridge, 671. Smythson, Thomas, prb. York, 211. Smythson, William, prb. York, 185. Snaith, Henry de, prb. York, 203. Snape, Andrew, can. Windsor, 407. Snape, Andrew, prov. King's coll. Cam- bridge, 683. Snape, Andrew, vice-chan. Cambridge, 609. Snareston, William, proc. Oxford, 482. Snell, George, prl). Chester, 270. Snell, George, archd. Chester, 266. Snell, John, can. Windsor, 384. Snell, Robert, prb. Southwell, 422. Snetisham, Richard, chan. Oxford, 467. Sneyd, Lewis, ward. All Souls coll. Oxford, 561. Snowden, Richard, prb. Carlisle, 252. Snowden, Robert, prb. Southwell, 424. Snowden, Robert, bp. Carlisle, 242.