Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/826

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820 INDEX Warton, Tlioinas, prof, anc, hist. Ox- ford, 526. Warton, Thos., prof. poet. Oxford, 529. Wartria, Richard de, prb. York, 178. AVarwick, George, archd. Carhsle, 2.-^0. Wase, Christopher, proc. Oxford, 496. Washington, Laurence, proc. Oxford, 492. Wastell, Henry, proc. Cambridge, 632. Wasteneys, Charles, ])rb. York, 216. Waterhouse, Joshua, proc. Cambridge, 631. Waterhouse, Thomas, proc. Cambridge, 626. Waterhouse,Thos., tax. Cambridge, 640. AVaterland, Daniel, can. Windsor, 407. Waterland, Daniel, chan. York, 165. Waterland, Daniel, mast. Magdalene coll. Cambridge, 695. Waterland, Daniel, vice-chan. Cam- bridge, 609. Waterland, Theodor., ])roc. Cambridge, 628. Watkin, George, proc. Oxford, f^oo. Watkins, Henry, prb. Southwell, 418. Watkins, Henry, prb. York, 190. Watkins, John, proc. Oxford, 489. Watkins, Richard, proc. Oxford, 496. Watkinson, William, proc. Oxford, 490. Wats, William, prb. Durham, 314. Watson, John, prb. Southwell, 444. Watson, John, prb. Westminster, 364, Watson, John, prb. Winchester, 33, 34. Watson, John, proc. Cambridge, 615. Watson, John, archd. Surrey, 30. AVatson, John, mast. Christ's coll. Cam- bridge, 690. Watson, John, vice-chan, Cambridge, 603. Watson, John, dn. Winchester, 22. Watson, John, bp. Winchester, 17. Watson, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 644. AVatson, Richard, ])rof. chcm. Cam- bridge, 663. AA'^atson, Richard, Reg. i)rof. div. Cam- bridge, 6f)6. AVatson, Robert, prb. York, 216. AVatson, Roger, ])rb. Durham, 309. AVatson,Thouias, i)r()c. Caml)ridge, 633. AVatson, Thomas, mast. St. John's coll. Cambridge, 692. AVatson, Tliomas, dn. Durham, 299. AVatson, AVilliam, jn-l). Durham, 319. AVatson, William, prl). Southwell, 444. AVatson, William, proc. Oxford, 493. AVatts, George, jirb. York, 220. AVatts, John, })roc. Oxford, -,03. AVatts, John, vice-chan. Oxford, 472. AA'^atts, Richard, tax. Cambridge, 636. AVatts, Thomas, prb. Westminster, 359. AVaugh, John, prb. Carlisle, 252, 253. AVaugh, John, chan. Carlisle, 251. Waugh, John, proc. Oxford, 496. AVaugh, John, dn. AVorcester, 72. AVaugh, John, bj). Carlisle, 244. Waure, Henry, jirb. Southwell, 462. AVavery or W^avre, Nigellus de, chan. Oxford, 464. AVavre, Nigellus de, chan. Oxford, 464. AVay, Louis, prb. AVestminster, 353, AVaynflete, William, prov. Eton, 342. AVaynflete, alias Patten, John, archd. ' Surrey, 30. Wayntlete, alias Pattyn, William, bp. , Winchester, 15. Wazo, archd. Durham, 301. AVebb, Erasmus, can. AVindsor, 398. AVebb, Ralph, proc. Oxford, 497. AVebb, AA'illiam, tax. Cambridge, 646. AVebb, AA'illiam, mast. Clare hall, Cam- bridge, 672. AVebb, William, vice-chan. Cambridge, 612. AVebbeley, Humphrey, prb. AAorcester, AVebber, Prancis, proc. Oxford. 498. Webber, I'Vancis, rcct. Exeter coll. Oxford, ■,47. AA'^ebber, George IL, can. Ripon, 332. AVebber, James, j)rb.W^estminster, 369. AVebber, James, prb. York, 216. AVebber, James, dn. Ripon, 332. AVebber, John, ])roc. Oxford, 500. Webber, AVilliam, proc. Cambridge, 627. AA'ebster, Richard, pr^AVestminster,353. AA'^ebster, Rowland, hon. can. Durham, 320. AVebster, Rowland, hon. can. Worces- ter, 89. Weemes, John, prb. Durham, 310. AVeems or AVemys, Lodowick, prb. AVestminster, 2r)o- AA^lborne, John de, prb. A'ork, 184. AA'elborne or Melborne, John de, prb. A'ork, 194. Welbourne or Melbourne, John de, prb. A'ork, 215. Welewyks, prb. A'ork, 181. W^lewyks, John de. i)rb. A'ork, 193. W^elles, John, ])rb. A'ork, 19^,, 210. Wellesley. Arthur, duke of Wellington, chan. Oxford. 470. Wellesley, Hon. (ierald A'alerian, pib. Durham, 313. Wellesley, Hon. (ierald Valerian, prb. NN'est minster, 368.