Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/873

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CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD. 37 The histihctes of Justinian, edited as a recen- sion of the Institutes of Gaius. By the same Editor. Second Edition, 1881. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 5s. Select Titles fro7n the Digest of ytcstinian. By T. E. Holland, D.C.L., Chichele Professor of International Law and Diplomacy, and Fellow of All Souls' College, Oxford, and C. L. Shadwell, B.C.L., Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. 8vo. cloth, 14s. Also sold in Parts, in paper covers, as follows : — Part I. Introductory Titles. 2s. dd. Part II. Family Law. is. Part III. Property Law. 2s. dd. Part IV. Law of Obligations (No. i). 1%. 6d. Part IV. Law of Obligations (No. 2). 4s. 6d. Imperatoris lustiniani Institutionum Libri Quattuor ; with Introductions, Commentary, Excursus and Trans- lation. By J. B. Moyle, B.C.L., M.A., of Lincoln's Inn, Barrister- at-Law, and Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 2IJ'. Gaii Institutionum Juris Civilis Co7nmentarii Quatuor ; or, Elements of Roman Law by Gaius. With a Trans- lation and Commentary by Edward Poste, M.A., Barrister-at-Law, and Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. Second Edition. 1875. Svo. cloth, 1 8s. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. By Jeremy Bentham. Crown Svo. cloth, 6s. dd. Elements of Law considered with reference to Principles of General Jurisprudence. By William Markby, M.A., Judge of the High Court of Judicature, Calcutta. Second Edition, with Supplement. 1S74. Crown 8vo. cloth, 7s. dd. Supplement separately, 2s. Alberici Gentilis, LCD., I.C. Professoris Re- gii, De lure Belli Libri Tres. Edidit Thomas Erskine Holland LCD., luris Gentium Professor Chichcleianus, Coll. Omn. Anim. Socius. necnon in Univ. Perusin. luris Professor Honorarius. 1877. Small 4to. half morocco, 21s. International Law, By William Edward Hall, M.A., Bariister-at Law. Demy Svo. cloth, 21*.