Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/875

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CLARENDON PRESS, OXFORD. 39 XI. ART, &c. A Handbook of Pictorial Art, By R. St. J. Tyrvvhitt, M.A., formerly Student and Tutor of Christ Church, Oxford. With coloured Illustrations, Photographs, and a chapter on Perspective by A. Macdonald. Second Edition. 1875. 8vo. half morocco, 18s. A Music Prime}" for Schools. By J. Troutbeck, M.A., Music Master in Westminster School, and R. F. Dale, M.A., B. Mus., Assistant Master in Westminster School. Second Edition. Crown 8vo. cloth, 15. dd, A Treatise on Harmony. By Sir F. A. Gore Ouseley, Bart., Professor of Music in the University of Oxford. Third Edition. 4to. cloth, los. A Treatise on Counterpoint, Canon, and Fugue, based upon that of Cherubini, By the same Author. Second Edition. 4to. cloth, i6.«. A Treatise 07i Mtisical Form and General Coviposition. By the same Author. 4to. cloth, los. The Cultivation of the Speaking Voice. By John HuUah. Second Edition. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 2s. 6J. XII. MISCELLANEOUS. The Construction of Healthy Dwellings ; namely Houses, Hospitals, Barracks, Asylums, &c. By Douglas Galton, late Royal Engineers, C.B., F.R.S., &c. Demy 8vo. cloth, I OS. 6</. A Treatise on Rivers and Canals, relating to the Control and Improvement of Rivers, and the Design, Construc- tion, and Development of Canals. By I^veson Francis Vemon- Harc *' ., Balliol College, Oxford, Member of the Institution ofCi. .cers. 2 vols. (Vol. I, Text. Vol. II, Plates.) 8vo. cloth, 2ii. A Sysiem of Physical Education : Theoretical and Practical. By Arcliibald Maclaren. Extra fcap. 8vo. cloth, 7$. 6J. Specimens of Lowland Scotch and Northern English. By Dr. J, A. H. Murray. Preparing.