Page:Fasti ecclesiae Anglicanae Volume 3.djvu/93

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PREBENDARIES. 87 stituted 1 4th Nov. J 7 1 7, by the resignation of Edward Chandler promoted to the see of Coventry and Lich- field. John Holland, S.T.P., warden of Merton College^ Ox- ford, instituted 20th Oct. 1723. Richard Meadowcroft, A.M., instituted 15th Oct. 1734, on the death of John Holland. Samuel Wolley, A.M., instituted 26th Nov. 1760, on the death of Richard Meadowcroft. William Harley, A.M., instituted 15th Dec. 1764, on the death of Samuel Wolley. John James MAjENDiE,D.D.^instituted 11 thNov. 1769, on the death of William Harley. Thomas Fountaine, M.A., instituted 20th April 1774, on the resignation of John James Majendie. TowNSEND Forrester, D.D., 1805, Ob. 30th Sept. 1841. John Ryle Wood, nominated 13th Oct. 1841^ on the death of Dr. Townsend Forrester. NINTH STALL. Humphrey Webbeley, S.T.B._, appointed by foundation charter 24th Jan. 154 1-2. John Harley, installed 9th March 1551—52. He be- came bishop of Hereford in 1553. Arthur Dudley, ahas Sutton, presented on the 2nd and installed 13th April 1553. Gervase Carrington, LL.D., installed 2nd March 1576-7. Ob. J7th Aug. 1611. Richard Thornton, S.T.P., installed 20th March 1611. Ob. ist Jan. 1614-15. Robert Prichard, A.M., installed 14th Jan. 1614-15. Anthony Tyringham, A.M., nominated 27th Sept. and installed 28th Oct. 1631. Ob. 19th Aug. 1659. Georgk Glenn, installed 7th Sept. 1660; he died in May 1669. Thomas Lamplugh, D.D., installed 19th Juno 1669; ho became bishop of Exeter.