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Federal Register/Vol. 66 No. 55/Wednesday, March 21, 2001/Notices

License No. Name/Address Date reissued
2649F Amex International, Inc., 1615 L Street, NW., Suite 340, Washington, DC 20036. March 5, 2000

Sandra L. Kusumoto.
Director, Bureau of Consumer Complaints and Licensing
[FR Doc. 01-7032 Filed 3-20-01; 8:45 am]


Formations of, Acquisitions by, and Mergers of Bank Holding Companies

The companies listed in this notice have applied to the Board for approval, pursuant to the Bank Holding Company Act of 1956 (12 U.S.C. 1841 et seq.) (BHC Act), Regulation Y (12 CFR Part 225), and all other applicable statutes and regulations to become a bank holding company and/or to acquire the assets or the ownership of, control of, or the power to vote shares of a bemk or bank holding company and all of the banks and nonbanking companies owned by the bank holding company, including the companies listed below. The applications listed below, as well as other related filings required by the Board, are available for immediate inspection at the Federal Reserve Bank indicated. The application also will be available for inspection at the offices of the Board of Governors. Interested persons may express their views in writing on the standards enumerated in the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1842(c)). If the proposal also involves the acquisition of a nonbanking company, the review also includes whether die acquisition of the nonbanking company complies with the standards in section 4 of the BHC Act (12 U.S.C. 1843). Unless otherwise noted, nonbanking activities will be conducted throughout the United States. Additional information on all bank holding companies may be obtained from the National Information Center website at Unless otherwise noted, comments regarding each of these applications must be received at the Reserve Bank indicated or the offices of the Board of Governors not later than April 13, 2001.
Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
(Phillip Jackson, Applications Officer)
230 South LaSalle Street, Chicago,
Illinois 60690-1414;

  1. Peotone Bancorp, Inc., Peotone,

Illinois; to acquire 20.62 percent of the voting shares of SouthwestUSA Corporation, Las Vegas, Nevada, and thereby indirectly acquire Southwest USA Bank, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, March 15, 2001.

Robert deV. Frierson

Associate Secretary of the Board.

[FR Doc. 01-6942 Filed 3-20-01; 8:45 am]



Sunshine Act Meeting

Agency Holding the Meeting: Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.

Time and Date: 10:00 a.m., Monday, March 26, 2001.

Place: Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building, 20th and C Streets, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20551.

Status: Closed.

Matters to be Considered:

1. Personnel actions (appointments, promotions, assignments, reassignments, and salary actions) involving individual Federal Reserve System employees.

2. Any items carried forward from a previously announced meeting.

Contact Person for More Information: Lynn S. Fox, Assistant to the Board; 202-452-3204.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: You may call 202-452-3206 beginning at approximately 5 p.m. two business days before the meeting for a recorded announcement of bank and bank holding company applications scheduled for the meeting; or you may contact the Board’s Web site at for an electronic announcement that not only lists applications, but also indicates procedural and other information about the meeting.

Dated: March 16, 2001.

Robert deV. Frierson,
Associate Secretary of the Board.
[FR Doc. 01-7085 Filed 3-16-01; 4:34 pm]


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National institute for Occupational Safety and Health Announcement of Public Meeting to Discuss Potential Standards or Guidelines for Respiratory Protective Devices Used to Protect Emergency Response Workers Against Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Agents

AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

ACTION: Notice of a public stakeholder meeting to discuss the Agencies' current understanding of threats in responding to chemical, biological, and radiological incidents, user needs, and potential standards or guidelines for respiratory protective devices suitable for use by first responders.

DATES: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 17, 2001; 9 a.m.-5 p.m. April 18, 2001. Location: Building E4810, U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command, Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Edgewood Area, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21010-5424. This meeting is hosted by NIOSH, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST), and the U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command (SBCCOM).

The meeting will be open to the public, limited only by the space available.

The meeting room accommodates approximately 220 people.

Requests to make presentations at the public meeting should be mailed to the NIOSH Docket Officer, Robert A. Taft Laboratories, M/S C34, 4676 Columbia Parkway, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, telephone 513/533-8450, fax 513/5338230, or e-mailed to NIOCINDOCKET@CDC.GOV on or before April 6, 2001. All requests to present should contain the name, address, and telephone number, relevant business affiliations of the presenter, a brief summary of the presentation, and the approximate time requested for the presentation. Oral