Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 3.djvu/449

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il2 fedebàl bepokteb. . �PABM ACOOUNT, 1877. Dr. Cr. �April. Expenses putting in crop — Paid Wm. Way, Vincent & Gallagher, and Norwegian and �team, as per time book $ 120 12 �July 19, and part of AugUBt. For harvesting and �stacking, to Wm. Way, superintending. . . 60 00 �Aug. 23. J. Frost and J. Owens and hsnds 78 00 �Dickinson and teams 25 00 �Forwire 50 60 �Paid for threshing 2,792 bushels wheat. . . 139 60 Paid for help, by order f rom Wm. Way, as per time book — �For teams 49 50 �Men to help threshing 41 25 �31. Paid Everest two notes and interest, at �Mower County Bank 1,126 67 �IMov. 1. Wm. Way and teams, plowing 130 acres. 195 00 �July 23. Bold 10 tons hay, @ $5 ( 50 00 �Aug. 24. Sold 2,807^ bushels wheat, @ 88 cents. . . 2,470 60 �Hay — seven tons to Decker 35 00 �Sept. 12. Hay— 13 tons in stack 65 00 �Oct. 30. 174 bushels wheat, @ 88>^ cents, from �land worked by O. Smith, on shares. 157 37 �$1.875 64 12,777 97 �It appears from the foregoing schedule, "which is sustained by the evidence, that the notes given by Eichards in part payment of the property were not paid by him out of money belonging to his estate, but by Mrs. Eichards, out of her own money and the proceeds of the farm. �It appears that a small amount, in addition to the first payment of $200, made by Eichards, was laid out by him upon the farm, but I do not think the sum can be regarded 80 large a settlement upon his children aa to make void the conveyance. If it was made in good faith, with no intent to defraud creditors, it -will not be set aside, when it is in proof that at the time Eichards made it he possessed ample means to pay his debts, unless the business in -which he was en- gaged, or intended to engage, was so hazardous, and required such large pecuniary liability, that he could not reasonably believe the gif t would not imperil his ability to meet his debts, to be contracted in the future. �It is not proved such was the case. The conveyance waa ����