Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 4.djvu/11

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CÀ8E8 BEPOBTEO. ���zl ���Page United States, etc., Telting Co. �V. Asbestos Felting Co 816 �Whitmun v. Seaman 436 �District Court, S. D. New YoiiK. �Bigler, MarsbaU v 561 �Bui-chell, Inre. 406 �Canal- boat Chester Jlair, Dic- �bolt V 571 �Chisholm, In re 526 �Davison, la re 607 �Diebolt V. Canal-boat Chester �Haïr 571 �DuH, Inre 519 �Frost, Giim v 745 �Greenman v. ïbe Steamboat �Narragansett 244 �Gum V. irost 745 �Hardy v.Moore 843 �Kraft, In re 523 �Lewis, Lindner v 318 �Lindner v. Lewis 318 �Marsball v. Bigler 561 �McCartyv. Steam-propellerCity �of New Bedford 818 �Moore, Hardy v 843 �Pings, Unitea States v 714 �Schooner Mary Cliilton, The. . . 847 �Ship Shand, The 925 �Smith V. Steamer Joshua Le- �viûcs 846 �Bteam-boat NarraganscttjCJreen- �man v 244 �Steamer JoshuaLevines,Smithv. 846 Steani-propeller City of New �Bedford, McCai-ty v 818 �Steam-ship Louisiana, Walsh v. 751 �Swedish Bark Adolph, The 730 �United States v. Pings 714 �Walsh V. Steam-sliip Louisiana 751 �ClKCUIT CotTBT, D. VeEMONT, �HoUy V. Vergennes Jîachine Co. 74 Vergennes Machine Co., Ilolly y. 74 ���THIED CIECUIT. CincuiT CouET, D. New Jehset. ���Page Excliange Nat. Bank of Pitts- burgh V. Third Nat. Bank of �New York 20 �Hatfleld V. Moller 717 �Moller, Hatfield v 717 �Schooner Eliza B. Bmory, Clay- �ton V 342 �Steiger v. Bonn 17 �Third Nat. Bank of New York, Exchange Nat. Bankof Pitts- burgh V 2fi �District Coukt, D. New Jersey. �A Cargo of Two Hundred and Twenty-seven Tons of Cbal, Landsv 478 �Brick, Inre 804 �Lands v. A Cargo of Two Hun- died and Twenty-seven Tons of Coal 478 �New Brunswick Carpet Co., In re 614 �Circuit Court, E. D. PBNSsrii- �VANIA. �Anderson v. The Philadelphia �Warehouse Co 130 �Brill, Proctor v. 415 �Junction R. Co., Lathrop v.... 4jl �Lathrop v. Junction R. Co 41 �Orhanovich v. Steam-tug Amer- ica 337 �Philadelphia Warehouse Co., �Anderson v 13Q �Proctor V. Brill 415 �Beading v. Texas & P. R. Co. . . 134 Schmidt v. Steam-ship Pennsyl- �vania 548 �Steam-ship Pennsylvania, �Schmidt V 548 �Steam - tug America, Orhano- vich V 337 �Texas & P. R. Co., Reading v. . 134 �District Court, E. D. Pekîjsyl- �VANIA. �Crowell V. Schooner Theresa Wolf 152 �Schooner Theresa Wolf, Crowell V 152 ���Bonn, Steiger V 17 �Broadnaxv. Central Stock Yard ! �& Transit Co 214 jjjg^jjjCT Court, W. D. Pbhhstl- �Central btock x ard & Transit , vania �Co., Broadnax v 314 �Clavton V. Schooner Eliza B. Brennan v. Steam-tug Anna P. �Emory 342 1 Dorr 459 ����