Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/466

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454: FEDERAL EBPORTEB, �capacity of being moved upward from a point in or on the lowermost tray, and of being suspended in that position, so as to admit the insertion of fresh trays in succession. They are unlike in their respective appliances and devices by whieh these objects are accomplished, and also in the facility by which intermediate trays between the top and bottom can be removed. �The devices by which the elevation of the stack of trays in the complainant's patent are elevated in the manner de- scribed for the purposes mentioned, are the cord and pulley, passing over an upright crane regulated by a windlass, or wheel and axle, with its ratchet and pawls as shown in one model — the point of suspension in this instance being directly over the centre of the stack ; and from the ends of the cross- bars, to which the rope passing through the pulley is attached, depend ropes or chains, which are attached by hooks to hand- les upon the lowermost tray to be removed, thus contributing both a lifting and suspending device, as shown by this model. �The meana adopted in the other model, complainant's Ex- hibit C, which the eomplainant claims is authorized by his patent as within the scope of the powers granted therein, con- sist of a wooden frame supporting the stack of trays as before described, said wooden frame sliding up and down grooves in two opposite stationary posts, as power may be applied to move it, and connected by ohains to a chain passing over pul- leys in two upright posts at opposite sides of the stack ; the respective ends of said chains being attached to the short arms of two levers, the fulcrum of each lever being attached to the lower part and outer side of said upright posts ; the longer arms of said levers being connected with other chains passing over a 'drum or shaft regulated by its pawl and ratchet. �By the last-mentioned device, the novel and useful inven- tion described in compiainant's patent of elevating the stack of trays, as aforesaid, by the application of power at a point in or on the lowermost, tray thereof, so as to permit the insertion of a fresh tray at the bottom, is accomplished. �The machine embodying the defendant's invention, under ����