Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 5.djvu/791

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>:;.■,■ 'i.'i •{GkciiitOovn-ijiWi J>ii.Wmetm4i ;Eel=lrfla0-;?,'l&§l-). ■ . ; ,' i ' * �1 ADvpnçE Possession— Iiev"eT! 6f WiscoNSiN,"} 4211. , . , ' �■ Ten jeaTS' occupatioiiHn'goocl faitii,'undei'clàim' ofi'title.'is ishlffl^ cient to give a.good tijle fey!a(ivei;sB-,posse^s|on, uacler section 4211 of �theai.ev;iped6tatute?:(187Sj pi Vy•is^;onsin,— [^Eij. ,. ■,. �Ejectment. • ■ ■ ■ r '■^TFm.S: Jarci»; for plaintiÔ.; '-' '[' ' ' ' "; �iTioiTirtfe'^'FiiZZer' for defendiani ';' ' ■'; ■;'■ ' ' ; ; ; ■' "■ BtJNN,'l).3"-. ' TMs'iS an kctioii bi'ejeciinfet, broagliim tHe cirôuit (^rt'for'brk-wfdrd c6titity; WiebdtiSin; to recoyer'80 à'ôtes oi la]K[,fe)'^wity tiie S.'l qf'N. 'W;'^oi section 32, tdwli ii, range '6 'tirest,' being inCrawf3ra ijouniy, 'Deferide;' ad-i verse Jtb'ssessiort teder thë statui/ëJ The case Was'feinoVeii tb ihii cbiirt' bn' application 'of ihe plàintiff; and a j ary "waived by stipulation of tiie parties.' ' ' "ci ' �"The plàintiff; tb'SuStain' his c^W,' iiatfbdticed a patent of the'larid in quëatiôfafrotii'tbe'tJhitëd States tb himself, dated April 16, 1856. 'The defenSànt/to'sustàiii'bis case' and sho'w title ih hiinôëif.'l'àirbdude'à' à'tiài'ideëa iBStfedby the cbilnty of Ci'awford to 6he ¥eter 'lilve^tiBa of'HheIa^d'in stiit/ datëd Novertiber 9, leM,' ah'd'recbraW' on thë'siaiiië dày in the office ôf'tBe Tëgister'of Meëds fbi <!i'ifa\^fbrdcofiiiity;/^lsoa quit'ëlàiin deed of the land executed by said Peter 'Ëivetson; the gantee in the taxdeëd> to hiiri,' liioias' Monsbi!; t'bfe defe'iida'nt, dated Nëvembei? 1%' '18 66-, and ' re'ëdrded 'Bepteii^ër 27, 1 8€9. ' ■ It àlsb àj^peiars fibni the testiiiibnybf' tbië'&eiëiidàntand Elver- son that' the defendant pureHàsëd the' 'land 'trbin Elverson &t thë tiiiie tire- iquitclaim deed is'd'atëdi NoVefalbëi' 1-2, 1S66, ■#ith'the intentidn of making &' f arih bf it, and paid the siito of $im. ■' rri'jiine of-tte iiexi'seiisbh {l'867)hë.teok' actuel pos'sessibtt' uhdër his deëd frem' 'Ëlvëisbrii'^ànd'broke «.'iid griibbed Bbine '6n the làud,' ¥nd iff NbVëtûber of 'the 'sàinë yeaf'buitfa hotisë u'pôn the'^laiid-, 'àiid'in Octobet of tiie neit eeàSbn niJved in- with his'iaiinilyi that ieihce that timerhb ����