Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/205

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uNriiii)" siiiES ti/BoioBB. leb ���:/ [pprtuit (huTt, $^,J}. N'eu) TorJc. iJCajr 1?,. 1,881,), . �1. Infohmation— Refusai. To Plcad. ,, ,, , ,, , ^ ,- -; ,, �The refusai of a defendant to plead to a criminal information will

not def«at the jvpsdictipn ofac^cuitconxt. I .y. '!'

�2. SaMB— En^RT Oi- Pp)A. ,:._ .[/ , ■■), .),ii . '■' /«■•.;.i < ' < ;. �. In such e4se the eptry of a plea pf not guilty,.under the direotioa �of the court^is'a' niere lilaiteir Bf fonbi, aiia aioiints to-iio inoi'e^iiiali �/i-orderingthetrialtoprtfcBed asifisiich^iea'Wero^iiferedl ' '■ ">' ^ �S.'eAMB-i-"lkDioTteD"— RaviST?. i ifei';/ ^^i^ . . .'^'. IOt �,,;; ,>The wotd " indlcted,"^ In section ]WI32 .6f. liitf BeFisiecl Btata^t^ �authorizjng thp court to enter* plea, ^f not gjiilty whpn ihe dcf^nd- �iaait stands mii'te, 18 fairly to be construed tb ihclude an inf()rmai;}on, �• _ ■:■■■■ „ ■- ■:.' '. . i.T I i-..' .,: ,:V' /;'" v '■ , :;-.;;);, i 4. JuROK — Prejudice. ' ■ . , �.' ■ ' Pifejtidfce agaiilat a peireori^ieag^d'^u ai iHe^l Business, aHsihg �solely from the'faot that ibe was engagea in snch business, does >£bt �disquajify 9» ji^r.from sittiojg upqn. the trial ofsuch personfof the �exercise of such unlawf ul calling. �6. TbSTIMOKT— WlTHBp. . , . , , . , • J ; �' ' ' Where a "vritn'ess, otherWise 'unliupeachea,'testiflea under circum- �Btanbes calculated to «reate acAirong bias, and he statee -v^hatie; ih ite �j nature, incredibje, hia tpstinftc^y ,|f >npt {lecessarily tobc bejfevedv-» �;.;;■[%• .Ml...... ^ : .. ■„■-;• .:•'•' i.r : ^ -. ..i... �TVittiam P.Mkro, Assi WEti Att*y, for'the Tjmtea siatie^.' '■Ahram J } VillenHoefEr, foir defendant. '■' ' ' �' 'Bl'atchfoed, C. 1. The' defetidant wao ' coavicted oii';a cririiinal information 'filed aeaSnst him by'thetJiiited States attprn%, prosecuting for ihje' United St'ates, uhder eeetion 38^4' of the Eevis'ed Statiites, for unlawf ully and knoma^ly depositing in the maii of the UMted States, andBending tO be conveyed thereby, a circular' boneorning a lottei-y. On being arraigned on the inforillatioti the defeudant stood toiite, and the court directed a plea of not guilty to be entefed for him, and it was eutered. Ah objection bf ihe defMdant's counsel tOBUch action was overruled by the court, and said counsei excepted to said rulin^'anid to said direction. The defendant now moves an airest of judgraent oii the above ground. It is provided by bectioh 1032 of the Revised Stat- �utes as folloWs: T.7,no.2— 13 ��� �