Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 7.djvu/603

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HAMMERSCHIiAO V. gOAMONI. 591 �between the waxed surface and the unwaxed surface, and on the latter. This is step two of the plaintiff . The drawing of the paper, after it leaves the brush, across the groove in the plate, allows any surplus wax to drop into the g^ove from the waxed surface. This is step three of the plaintiO. The drawing of the waxed surface in contact with the heated plate beyond the groove and then in contact with the pipe, M, keeps the wax in such a melted state that the waxed surface of the paper is polished. This is step four of the plaintiff. �As to elaim 3, that also is infringed. The heated cylinder, C, corresponds to the plaintiff's heated cylinder, a. The troughs in the two correspond. The bars, J, J, acting with the heated plate, F, correspond to the plaintiff's cylinder, h. The groove corresponds to the plaintiff's soraper, l. There are means for supplying paper. The heated wax is applied to one surface of the web of paper by the heated cylinder, C, and afterwards the paper is heated at the other surface, to draw the wax into the paper, by the action of the bars, J, J, in conjtinction with the heated plate, F. �Ciaim 2 is infringed. The melted wax is transferred from a trough to the paper by a roller, which is a hollow, heated cylinder. The paper is moved in contact with such roller, and the surplus wax is removed by a scraper. The scraper intended by the claim is the scraper x, the office of which is stated to be to remove the surplus wax and to allow only a uniform layer of wax to adhere to the cylinder, with a view to having the cylinder apply such layer to the paper. The scraper spoken of in the elaim is a soraper used to perform part of the process of applying the wax to the paper, in its initial application. It is, therefore, the scraper x ; but oven if it were the scraper Z, the groove in the plate, F, corresponds to that scraper. �Claim 1 is infringed, because there is a heated cylinder revolved within a trough containing wax, and acting to heat the wax and apply a layer of it to the web of paper. �The defendant's expert refers to the following prior pat- ents : ��� �