Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/14

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XIV ���OASES KEPOBTED. ���Page �Forsyth ▼. Van Winkle 247 �Qottfried v. Orescent I3rewing Co. . . 762 Hatch V. Indianapolis & Springfleld �R. (Jo 856 �Indiauapolis & Springfleld R. Co., �Hatchv 856 �Pierson.Porsyth V 801 �Van Winkle, Forsyth V 247 �District Court, D. Indiana. �Bixhy, United States v 78 �Hamilton, United States v 442 �United States V. 15ixby 78 �United States v. Hamilton 442 �CiEcuiT Court, E. D. Wisconsin. �Albright, Pratt v 634 �AUisv. Stowcll 304 �Allia, Downton v 766 �Downton v. Allis 766 �Grand Trunk Kailway of Canada, �Young V 348 �Pratt V. Albright 634 �Stowell, Allis V 304 �Young V. Grand Trunk liailway of �Canada 348 �CiEcmr CouET, W. D. WiscoNsm. �Mills, United States y 684 �United States T. Mills 684 ���EIGIITH CIECUIT. �Circuit Court, D. Arkansas. �Rector's Case 16 �Circuit CoimT, D. Colorado. �Ballon, Strettell V 2.5«  �Hudson V. Knnsas Pacific Ry. Co. . . 879 Kansas Pacific Ry. Co., Hudson v . . 879 La Plata Mining & Smeltiug Co., �McGowau V 861 �Marsh v. Union Pacific Ry. Co . . . . 873 McGowan v. La Plata Mining & �SmeltingCo 861 �R. E. Lee Mining Co., Rogers v 72. �Rosrers v. R. B. Lee Mining Co 721 �Bimmons v. Spencer 68i �Spencer, Simmous v , 58 �Btrettell v. Ballou 256 �Union Pacific Ry. Co. , Marsh v 873 �CiBCDiT Court, D. Mtnitksota. �Bames t. Hartford Fire Ins. Co. . .. . 813 ���Page Brewis v. City of Duluth and Village �ofDuluth 747 �City of Duluth & Village of Duluth, �Bre wis v 747 �Consolidated Middlings Purifier Co. �V. Guildor 155 �Crawford, White v 371 �Guilder, Consolidated Middlings Pu- �ritier Co. v 155 �Hartford Fire Ins. Co., Barries v 813 �Rice, St. Paul & Sioux City H. Co. v. 368 Rice, Sioux City & St. Pau"l K. Co. v. 368 St. Paul & Sioux Citv R. Co. v. llice. 368 Sioux City & St. Paul R. Co. v. �Rice 368 �White T. Crawford 371 �Circuit Court, E. D. Missouri. �Cahill, United States v 80 �Downton v. Yaeger Milling Co 402 �Filley, Pope v 66 �Gas Consumers' Ass'n, Herring v. .. 686 Herring v. Gas Consumers' Associa- tion 6S6 �Indianapolis & St. Louis R. Co., �Keepv 625 �Insurance Company of North Amer- ica V. St. Louis, Iron Mountain & �Southern Ry. Co 811 �Keep V. Indianapolis & Bt. Louis R. �Co 628 �Keep V. Union Railway & Transit �Co 625 �O'Neil V. St. Louis, Iron Mountain �& Southern Ry. Co 337 �Pope V. Filley 65 �St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co., Insurance Company of �iTorth America v 811 �8t. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern �Ry. Co.,0'Neilv 337 �Secor V. Singleton 809 �Singleton, Secor v 809 �Union Rai ]way& Transit Co ,Iveepv. 625 �United Slates v. Cahill 80 �Yaeger Milling Co., Downton v. . .. . 402 �District Court, E. D. Missouri. �Bignall, "n re 385 �Burgess, United States v 896 �United States v. Burgess 896 �United States v. Wynn 886 �Wynn, United States v 886 �Circuit Court, W. D. Missouri. �Schwed, Smithv 483 �rjeay V. Wilson 589 �Smithv. Schwed 483 �Wilson, Seayv 689 ��� �