Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/29

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H FEDERAL REPORTER. �on them to prosecution for neglecting to serve them, until the ques- tion of their validity should arise, so that it could be directly argued and determined. This argument and examination bas removed these doubts. �Let there be a decree establishing the validity of the attachment and levy aceording to the prayer of the bill, with costs. ���In re Appointment of Supebvisobs dp Election. (Circuit Court, 8. D. New York. October 5, 1881.) �1. SuPERVisoES— Representative Obganizations. �The rule, in case a question arises in respect to what political organization should be recognized by the court in appointing supervisors under the Revised Statutes, is that the organization which was recognized by the last state con- vention of the party is entitled to be eonsidered as its repr^entative organiza- tion ; subject, however, to modification by a change of circumstances. HM, iherefore, that in the light of events that have occurred since the last state con- vention of the democratie party, the organization known as "The New York County Demooracy" will be regarded as now representing the democratie party in the city and county of New York. �William G. Whitney, for the New York County Democracy. �Charles W. Brooke, for the Democratie Organization of the City and County of New York, �Blatchfobd, C. J. The requirement of section 2012 of the Ee- vised Statutes is that the two supervisors of election, in each election district, "shall be of different political parties." By section 2026 the chief superviser of elections is required to recoive the applications of all parties for appointment as supervisors of election, and to present such applications to the judge, and furnish information to him in respect to the appointment by the court of such supervisors of elec- tion. A question has now arisen as to who shall be appointed supervisors from the democratie party in the city of New York, at the coming election, in two congressional districts. Applications are made by persons beloiiging to an organization called "The New York County Democracy," and also by persons belonging to an organiza- tion called "The Democratie Organization of the City and County of New York." The former organization has come into existence since the last democratie state convention was held. Delegates represent- ing "The Democratie Organization of the City and County of New York" were recognized and admitted to seats at the last democratie atate convention, and ^^ere the only delegates recognized by the con- ��� �