Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/407

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392 FEDERAL REPORTER. �the cover, a^; and a hook, c, pivoted on the cover, a\ anrl ongaging with the projecting end of the pin or arbor, 6, serves to hold the cover in place. Fig- ures 1 and 2 of the drawing show a convenient form of the case for gen- erai use, representing it as approximating a circular form, or rather that of a short cylinder, provided with what may be termed an ' eccentrie extension,' and an opening or ontlet through the same at e, through which the repeating match is fed outward, as desired. One wall of this outlet, e, extends slightly beyond the other, and forms a projecting lip or nose-piece, d, over which the repeating match passes as it is fed outward, said lip or nose-piece serving to support the match directly against the action of the igniting device. At a point near the outlet passage, e, the case or shell, a, is provided with a toothed wheel,/, or equivalent device, for feeding the match outward, the shaft of said wheel being journalled in the side walls or plates of the case or outlet jjas- sage, as shown atfi. On the inner sideof the flange or rim, a», opposite to the wheel, /, is secured a spring, g, which overhangs the f eed wheel, /, and serves as a guiding apron for holding the repeating match or tape in contact with the wheel, insuring the endwise or feeding movement of said match or tape between the two when the wheel is rotated. Directly over the nose-piece, d, is a device, h, for igniting the repeating match, consisting of an angular lip or projection on a vibrating arm, h^, which, at its rear end, is rigidly con- nected with a rock shaft or pin having its bearings in the case, a, or walls, a' a', and provided with a handle or thumb-piece on its outer end, outside of the case or shell, by means of which the igniting device, h, may be operated for igniting the match. The vibrating arm, AS is enclosed and protected by being placetl within a compartment or chamber, i, as shown. The lighter case thus constructed is designed to enclose and protect a match composed of a strip of paper or tape, k, provided either with a continuons strip of igniting mate- rial, or with such material arrangea in shots or pellets at regular intervais in its length, as shown at m, figures 3 and 4, and which, for adapting it to be placed in compact shape in the case, a, is rolled up, as shown in figure 2. Any suitable kind or preparation ot igniting material may be used upon the tape or strip of paper, and, where it is used in connection with a tape or wick of other material tluui paper, said wick or tape may be saturated with stear- ine or other suitable material, adapting it to be readily ignited by the igniting pellets or strip. In operation the wick or tape is fed outward by means of the wheel,/, until a pelleter portion of igniting material rests on the nose- piece, d, when it is ignited by the vibration of the arm, W, and igniting device, h, and in turn serves to ignite the wick or tape, which may then be used for any purpose to which it is applicable. The wick will continue to burn as long as any portion of it projects beyond the outlet passage, e, or nose-piece, d, and may be fed outward and allowed to burn as long as re- quired, when, by withdrawing it, or allowing it to burn until all that pro- jects is consumed, the air will be excluded from the reniaining portion, and the fire will be extinguished. The operation may be repeated until the entire repeating match is consumed, when, by removing the cover, ai, or opening the case, a, a new match or tape may be inserted. Having now described the invention of the said Tyler, Chandler, and Standish, I would state that I do not wish to be limited to any particular igniting material in the manufacture ��� �