Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/6

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Tl ���OASES EEPOJRTED. ���Page Oregon & California R. Co. ,Holmes v. 229 �Pacific, The 120 �Panguasetl, The 109 �Pattee v. Moline Plow Co 821 �Peck Bros. & Co. , Zane v 101 �Penns3'Ivania R. Co. v. Gilhooley. . . 618 �Peterson, Thorson v 517 �Pharos, The 912 �PhiladeJphia, Wilmington & Balti- more R. Co., Brown v 183 �Philadelphia, Wilmington & Balti- more R. Co. , Johnson v 6 �Philadelphia & ReadingR. Co.,Tay- �lor V 1 �Pidgcon, Provost v 409 �Pierce, Chalmera Sponce Patent �Non-conductor Co. v 152 �Pierson, Forsyth v 801 �Pitls, In re 542 �Plainville Manuf'g Co., Holmes v. .. 757 �Plattv. Mead 91 �Plimpton V. "Winslow 365 �P. Lorillard & Co. v. Dohan Carroll �& Co 509 �Plymouth Rock, The 413 �Pope V. Pilley 65 �Pratt V. Albright 634 �Prince Leopold, The 333 �Provost V. Pidgeon 409 �Putnam v. Lomax 448 �Ralph V. United States 693 �Reading, Still & Bro. v 40 �Rector s Case 16 �Reissner, Sliarp v 445 �R. E. Lee Mining Co., Rogers v 721 �Renchard, Detroit Lubricator Maa- �uf g Co. V 293 �Rice, St. Paul & Sioux City R. Co. v. 36^ Rice, Sioux City & St. Paul R. Co. v. 368 Richardson, H, & C. Newman v. . . . 865 �Richardson, Stevens v 191 �Richardson, United States v 804 �Richardson & Cary, Letchford v. . . . 865 �Richmond, The 863 �Robert Gaakin, The 62 �Robinson v. New York Cent. & Hud- �son River R. Co 877 �Robinson, McLeod & Co. v. Memphis �i& Cliavieston R. Co 120 �Rogers v. R. B. Lee Mining Co 721 �Ross, Milliken v 855 �Royer v. Kussell & Co 696 �Russell & Co., Royer v 696 �St. Louis Beef Canning Co., Wilson Packing Co. v 547 �St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co., Insurance Company of North America v 811 �St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern Ry. Co., O'Neil V 337 ���Page St. Paul & Sioux City R. Co. v. Rico. 368 �San Jacinto Tin Co., Manning v 726 �Saratoga, The 322 �Sargeut & Co., Tucker v 299 �Sawyer v. Kellogg 601 �Sayles v. Louisville City R. Co 512 �Schwed, Smith v 483 �Scott, Black v 186 �Sears, Steam Stone Cutter Co. v . . . . 8 �Seay v. Wilson 589 �Secor V. Singleton 809 �Security 1ns. Co. , New Ilaven Steam �Saw-mill Co. v 779 �Seldon v. Stockwell Self-lighting Gas- �burner Co 390 �Shannon v. J. M. W. Jones Station- �ery & Printing Co 205 �Sharp V. Reissner 445 �Shaw, In re 495 �i^hedd V. Washliurn 904 �Shirley, In re 901 �Hillom, Oglesby v 860 �Simmons v. Spencer 581 �Sims, In re 440 �Sims, United States v 443 �Singleton, Secor v 809 �Sioux City & St. Paul R. Co. v. �Rice 368 �Six Ilundred Tons of Iron Ore 595 �Smith V. Schwed 483 �Smith, Dwight v 795 �Smith, Inre 592 �Spaulding, Doyle v 611 �Spaolding, lllmgworth v 611 �Spaulding, Jennings & Co., Illing- �worth V 154 �Spencer, Simmons v 581 �Spring V. Domestio Sewing-machine �Co 505 �Staples, Gould v 159 �Steam Stone Cutter Co. v. Sears .... 8 �Stevens v. Richardson 191 �Still & Bro. V. Keading 40 �Stockwell Self-lighting Gas-burner �Co. , Selden v 390 �Stowell, Allis V 304 �Strettell v. Ballou 256 �Svvenk, In re 643 �Sylvan Glen, The 335 �Tallrnadge, Traders' Bank of Chi- cago V / 363 �Tayior v. Philadelphia & Ueading R. �Co 1 �Thannhaiiser v. The Cortes Co 225 �Tliannhauser, Chittenden v 226 �Thannhauser, The Cortes Co. v 226 �Thompson, Flanagin v 177 �Thorson v. Peterson 517 �Tildcn, Willdnson v 683 �Toledo, Peoria & Wavsaw R. Co., �liiincock V 738 �Tome, Coons & Braine v 532 ��� �