Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/61

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4.5 FEDEEAL REPORTER. �efiect a rapid operation, and any number of sets of apparatuses may be used, in case it may be required to retain the pills on the pins, or in the clamp, fdr drying the substance with wMch they are coated. The pills may be taken oli the comb-barwhile in any suitable holder, after having been formed in otfaer moulds, and I propose to use it in this vvay if found advisable.*' �There are two claims, as follows : �" (1) The combination of the comb-bar, B, clamp, E, and strippers, H, sub- stantially in the manner described and for the purpose specified; (2) the com- bination of the moulds. A, with the comb-bar, B, substantially as and for the purpose specified." �The only claim in question in this suit is the second claim. That claim relates to the combination of the comb-bar, carrying the needles, with the pill-holder, substantially as and for the purpose described. The pill-holder is to have a number of cavities, so as to secure rapid work. There are to be as many needles as there are cavities. The manner of the combination is to have a groove extending from each cavity whenffie twb parts forming the holder are closed, so that the needle may pass through the groove into the pill, and the pill be retained on and removed with the needle when the two parts of the holder are separated, so that the pills on all the needles may be re- mdved at once and be dipped, on the needles, all at once, into the ebating solution. That is the purpose specified. The resuit of this rapid work is a greater number of pills created in a given time, and IhuB a reduction of cost. �It is objected that the specification states that the pills are to be formed in "a mould, A," and that the needle is to be thrust into the pill while the pill is in the mould in which it is formed, and that the defendant does not form his pills in bis pil^-holder; also that "the moulds. A, mentioned in the second claim, are limited to moulds in which the pills are formed, and cannot include as holders, recep- tacles in which the pills are not formed or made or moulded from the raw material. But this view is contrary to the tenor of the text of the specification, which states that the invention consists in com- bining the comb-bar carryitig the needles with "a moulding device for shaping pills, or other holder for them," and that "the pills may be taken on the comb-bar while in any suitable holder, after having been formed in other moulds." That being so, the expression, "the moulds, Ay" in the second claim, muat be held to mean any suitable holder of the pills, whether the pills aie formed in it or in another mould. It is also objected that a pill cannot be moulded, with prac- ��� �