Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/832

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IN EE GRAVES. 8l7 �As to the bar of the statute of limitations: In re Cornwall, 6 X. B. R. 305 ; Nicholas v. Murray, 18 N. B. E. 469; CapelU v.The Church, 11 ST. B. K- 536. �William C. Spruance and Anthony Higgins, for respondents, cited — �Swan y. Robinson, 5 Fed. Eep. 287 ; /?* re Cramer, 13 N. B. R. 225 ; In re Riorden, 14 N. B. R. 332; Burr v. Hopkins, 12 N. B. R. 211 ; In re Davidson, 3 N. B. R. 106; In re.Eipp, 4 N. B. R. 190, (593;) Soott v. MoCarthy, M. 139, (414;) Hood v. Karper, 5 N. B. R. 358; In re Stephms, 6 K B. R. 533; In re Black, 17 N. B. R. 399. �And as to tiie bar of the statute of limitations : In re Knoep/el, 1 N . B. R. 70 ; Waples V. Magee, 2 Harrington, 444; Burton v. Waples, 3 Harringtou, 75; Bankrupt Act, § 19; section 5007, Rev. St.; In re Eldridge, 12 IST. B. R. 540; Bx parte Ross, 2 Glynn & J. 46 ; Mlnot v. Thatchm; 7 Metc. 348 ; Richard- son V. Thomas, 13 Gray, 381; Collister v. Hailey, Id. 517; Angell, Lim. § 167; Blumensteil, Bankruptcy, 240, § 5057; Hanger v. Abbott, 6 Wall. 532; The Protector, 9 "Wall. 687; U. S. v. Wiley, 11 Wall. 508; In re Eldridge, 12 IT. B. R. 540; Peiper y. ff armer, 5 K. B. R. 252; Stewart v. Kan, 11 Wall. 493; 2 Story, Eq. Jur. § 1531 ; Pulteney v. Warrm, 6 Ves. 73, 91, 92 ; East India Oo. y. Campion, 11 Bligh, 158, 187. �Bbadford, D. J. The questions to be considered and decided arise upona rule to show cause why certain claims of Swan, Clark & Co., of the city of Philadelphia, against the bankrupt, Thomas J. Graves, should not be disallowed and expunged from the liat of unsecured debts proven before the register in bankruptcy. An answer lias been put in to the petition and replications thereto, and issues joined. By an amendment, the statute of limitations has been pleaded. These claims consist of two promissory notes, and a book of account for moneys due and owing from the bankrupt to Swan, Clark & Co., and are as follows : �(1) $846.78. WiLMiNGTON, Delaware, May 20, 1873. Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of Swan, Clark & Co.» �at the First National Bank of Wilmington, $846.78, without defalcation, for value received. Thomas J. Graves. �Indorsed: Swan, Clark & Oo. �(2) $300. Wilmington, Delaware, May 12, 1873. Sixty days after date I promise to pay to the order of Swan, Clark & Co„ �at the First National Bank of Wilmington, $300, without defalcation, for value received. Thomas J. Graves. �Indorsed: Swan, Clark & Co. �(3) A bill of goods sold by Swan, Clark & Co. to the bankrupt, amouutinjr to $222.40, the date of the last entry being June 26, 1873. �v.9,no.l4— 52 ��� �