Page:Federal Reporter, 1st Series, Volume 9.djvu/842

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PATTEB V. MOLINE PLOW CO. 827 �"(2) Two plow-beams, B B', connected together by an elevated beam-yoke, A, so that either may operate in advance of the other while both are drawn forward in the line of progression, the attachaient of the plow-beams to said yolie beiug by joints which sustain the plows in an upright working position without rear connections or other support, and permit of their being freely moved independently in a lateral direction, and in a limited vertical direction, permittiiig the necessary vertical movement of the plows and sustaining the beam-yoke in an elevated position, combined and operating substanlially as and for the purpose specified." �It seems to me that the only material feature in this combination, ^hich is not found in the Schroeder patent, is the peculiar joint by which the plow-beams are attached to the yoke so that the yoke sus- tains the plows in an upright position, and permits of a limited lateral and vertical motion of the beams. It may be remarked, and that is all I propose to say in reference to this joint, that it is but another form of a two-way joint. The pivot upon the yoke allows of a lateral motion to a limited extent; the peculiar joint by which the plow-beam is attached to the plate pivoted upon the yoke allows a limited motion upwards and downwards. �The machine covered by the Norton patent is a frame mounted on runners instead of wheels, and the frame is so jointed as to permit one plow to advance ahead of the other, and the plow-beams to be vertically and laterally oscillated by the peculiar mechanism shown. This sied, as it may bo called, is arranged with cross-pieces, connected by runners and a tongue in such a manner as to produce the move- ments of an ordinary parallel rule, by meana of which one plow may be drawn slightly ahead of the other, and the irregularities of the working of the .team compensated for, to a certain extent, by the mechanism shown. The plow-beams are attached to one of the for- ward vibrating-bars, in connection with this parallel-rule motion, so as to allow of a limited lateral and vertical motion, but are held upright by a peculiar arrangement of the joints. The olaim in this reissued patent is for — �"The main frame, A B, and runners, E, arranged relatively to each other 80 that either side of the main frame, together with its runner, may be advanced, and either plow-beam vertically or laterally oscillated without dis- turbing the parallelism of, the runners with each other, or with the line of progression, substantially as described, and for the purposes specifled." �It will be noticed that running all through these reissued daims is substantially the same idea — the same leading thought : That each plow is to be advanced in the line of progression without disturbing the parallelism of the beams, and without materially disturbing the ��� �