Page:Federal Standard Colors (595).pdf/52

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TABLE XII.—Cross-Reference—(Cont.)

OLD 595 NEW 595 OLD 595 NEW 595 OLD 595 NEW 495
1625 216187 &nbpsp 3454 34424
1630 216307 &nbpsp 3457 ....
1635 .... &nbpsp * 3460 34558
*1640 16376 &nbpsp 3463 ....
1645 16473 &nbpsp 3466 34672
1650 [1]16307 &nbpsp 3469 [2]24664
1655 16357 &nbpsp 3505 35044
1660 .... &nbpsp 3510 35042
1665 .... &nbpsp 3515 34158
1705 [2]20062 &nbpsp 3520 [1] 36231
* 1710 10080 &nbpsp 3525 35164
1715 .... &nbpsp 3530 35109
1720 10219 &nbpsp 3535 35231
1725 10324 &nbpsp 3540 34277
1730 10233 &nbpsp *3545 34325
* 1735 10371 &nbpsp 3550 [1]34491
* 1740 13523 &nbpsp 3555 34516
1745 13594 &nbpsp 3605 36081
1750 13578 &nbpsp 3610 36118
1755 17875 &nbpsp 3615 [1]36231
1760 17178 &nbpsp 3620 236306
1765 17043 &nbpsp 3625 36357
1770 [1]17038 &nbpsp 3630 36373
1775 [1]17038 &nbpsp 3635 36440
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3640 [1] 36306
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3645 ....
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3650 ....
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3655 35237
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3660
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3705 33722
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3710 37778
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3715 37875
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3720 37855
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3725 37038
&nbpsp &nbpsp 3730 37144
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Divided references.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Color moved to semi-gloss.

* Same color as TT-C-595.

Note—The procuring agency should be contacted to make positive identifi­cation in cross-references; as only those colors * asterisked are identical with the original TT-C-595.