Page:Federal Standard Colors (595).pdf/9

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S6. Notes

S6.1 Applicability.—These color standards are intended for use for procurement of paints or other materials only as specified or referenced in individual material specifications, handbooks, procurement documents, or other authorizing directives. For color matching purposes, only fresh clean 3 × 5 inch chips, originally manufactured within 0.5 N.B.S. units of the standard, which have not appreciably changed color, should be used. Matching chips other than the above will usually result in rejection of the material. This standard has not been compiled with reference to color harmony, special color effects, or similar considerations and any such use should only be made with the assistance of qualified color consultants.

S6.2 Availability of color chips.—The individual 3 × 5 inch chips are available from General Services Administration Business Service Center, Region 3, Washington 25, D.C. Price 5 cents.

Sets consisting of one each of the 358 chips—Price $15.00.

S6.3 Dispute on color chips.—If there is doubt at any time regarding the conformity of the color of a 3 × 5 inch chip to the specifications printed on its reverse side, the specifications may be determined by the methods of S5 by a qualified laboratory.

Copies may be purchased for $2.25 each from the General Services
Administration, Business Service Center, Region 3, Washington 25, D. C.