Page:Felicia Hemans in The Literary Souvenir 1827.pdf/8

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And a sad and solemn beauty
    On the pallid face came down,
Which the lord of nations mutely watched
    In the dust with his renown.

Low tones at last of woe and fear
    From his full bosom broke;—
A mournful thing it was to hear
    How then the proud man spoke!
The voice that through the combat
    Had shouted far and high,
Came forth in strange, dull hollow sounds,
    Burthened with agony.

"There is no crimson on thy cheek,
    And on thy lip no breath,
I call thee—and thou dost not speak—
    They tell me this is Death!
And fearful things are whispering
    That I the deed have done—
For the honour of thy father's name,
    Look up, look up, my son!

"Well might I know death's hue and mien,
    But on thine aspect, boy!
What, till this moment, have I seen,
    Save pride and tameless joy?