Page:Felicia Hemans in The New Monthly Magazine Volume 25 1829.pdf/7

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The New Monthly Magazine, Volume 25, Pages 420-421




———True indeed it is
That they whom Death has hidden from our sight,
Are worthiest of the mind's regard; with them,
The Future cannot contradict the Past.
Mortality's last exercise and proof
Is undergone.Wordsworth.

"The love where Death has set his seal,
Nor age can chill, nor rival steal,
    Nor falsehood disavow.Byron.

I call thee blest!—though now the voice be fled,
    Which to thy soul brought dayspring with its tone,
And o'er the gentle eyes though dust be spread,
    Eyes that ne'er look'd on thine but light was thrown
Far through thy breast:

And though the music of thy life be broken,
    Or changed in every chord, since He is gone,
Feeling all this, ev'n yet, by many a token,
    O thou, the deeply, but the brightly lone!
I call thee blest.