Page:Felicia Hemans in The Winter's Wreath 1831.pdf/21

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Doth pride himself in his distorted cunning
Deeming it wisdom. Nay, thou goest not thus.
My heart is bursting, and I will he heard.
What! know'st thou not my spirit was born to hold
Dominion over thine? Thou shalt not cast
Those bonds thus lightly from thee. Stand thou there,
And tremble in the presence of thy lord.

This is all madness.

Sebastian. Madness! No; I say
'Tis reason starting from her sleep, to feel
And see, and know, in all their cold distinctness
Things which come o'er her, as a sense of pain
O'th' sudden wakes the dreamer. Stay thee yet.
Be still. Thou art used to smile and to obey,
Aye, and to weep. I have seen thy tears flow fast,
As from the fulness of a heart o'ercharged
With loyal love. Oh! never, never more,
Let smiles or tears be trusted! When thy King
Went forth on his disastrous enterprise,
Upon thy bed of sickness thou wast laid,
And he stood o'er thee with the look of one
Who leaves a dying brother, and his eyes
Were filled with tears like thine. No! not like thine:
His bosom knew no falsehood, and he deemed
Thine clear and stainless as a warrior's shield,
Wherein high deeds and noble forms alone
Are brightly imaged forth.

Sylveira. What now avail
These recollections?