Page:Felicia Hemans in The Winter's Wreath 1831.pdf/9

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Returning, finds not even his peasant home
Unchanged amidst its vineyards. Some loved face
Which made the sun-light of his lowly board,
Is touched by sickness, some familiar voice
Greets him no more; and shall not fate and time
Have done their work, since last we parted hence,
Upon an Empire? Aye, within those years,
Hearts from their ancient worship have fallen off
And bowed before new stars; high names have sunk
From their supremacy of place, and others
Gone forth, and made themselves the mighty sounds
At which thrones tremble. Oh! be slow to trust
E'en those to whom your smiles were wont to seem
As light is unto flowers. Search well the depths
Of bosoms in whose keeping you would shrine
The secret of your state. Storms pass not by,
Leaving earth's face unchanged.

Sebastian. Where didst thou learn
The cold distrust which casts so deep a shadow
O'er a most noble nature?

Gonzalez. Life hath been
My stern and only teacher. I have known
Vicissitudes in all things, but the most
In human hearts. Oh! yet awhile tame down
That royal spirit, till the hour be come
When it may burst its bondage! On thy brow
The suns of burning climes have set their seal,
And toil, and years, and perils, have not passed
O'er the bright aspect, and the ardent eye,
As doth a breeze of summer. Be that change