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To Lay on the Table.
§ 96

c—The previous question (97) being laid on the table, as the object in laying the previous question on the table is that the main question may be further discussed.

d—A motion to reconsider (135) if laid on the table is only equivalent to a refusal to reconsider the question; it thereby clinches the action it is sought to reconsider for the time being and does not carry the original question to the table.

e—A question of privilege (87) does not adhere to the subject it may happen to interrupt, and if laid on the table does not carry with it the question pending when the question of privilege was raised.

A negative decision has no effect whatever.

96. When a question which has been laid on the table is again taken up it comes before the assembly as it was prior to the motion to lay on the table, with all the amendments and motions then pending.