Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/141

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§ 137
To Reconsider.

action required by the original vote until the motion to reconsider has been disposed of; but if not called up its effect terminates with the expiration of the time during which it is in order to act upon the reconsideration carries, it places the question again before the assembly in precisely the same condition as before voted on, and the presiding officer should again put the question to vote. It does no follow, however, that the reconsideration when called up must be decided immediately, as unless the previous question (97) is ordered it is subject to postponement, commitment or any other action.

If the reconsideration is upon the main question the reconsideration may be laid on the table or postponed; but when applied to any dependent question having a direct bearing upon and adhering to the main question it cannot be tabled or postponed without carrying with it the main question.