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§ 151
Practical Lessons

subject of capital punishment, would it be in order to act upon a resolution on intemperance?

The Chairman: The chair would rule that when the rules are suspended it must be for a definite purpose, and that no business can be transacted except that specified in the motion for suspension. In the case the suspension was for the purpose of taking up the subject of capital punishment. Therefore, no business of another nature is on order. If, however, the assembly desires to take up the subject of intemperance the rules may be again suspended for that purpose. If there is nothing further on the subject of capital punishment the assembly will resume the regular order of business.

(Business proceeds accordingly.)

151. The resolution, Resolved, That civil service examinations should be abolished, is before the assembly.

Mr. Dolton (obtaining the floor): I move to amend the resolution by inserting the words “as now conducted” after the word examinations.