Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/165

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§ 153
Practical Lessons.

153. Mr. Dolton (obtaining the floor): I move the resolution on civil service examinations be taken from the table.

Mr. Scales (rising): I second the motion..

The Chairman: It is moved and seconded to take the resolution on civil service examinations from the table. Are you ready for the question? (Undebatable.)

Mr. Clancy: I rise to a point of order.

The Chairman: The gentleman will state his point of order.

Mr. Clancy: Since the resolution has gone to the table, it cannot be taken up at the session.

The Chairman: In the absence of a special rule, or of custom of the assembly of such length of standing as to acquire the force of law, when a question is laid on the table it goes to the table only until such time, sooner or later, as the assembly decides to take it from the table. The chair rules the point not well taken. The ques-