Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/19

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§ 6
Temporary Organization.

stituency and therefore need no credentials; they transact the business for which they have assembled, and then adjourn, to meet at some future time, or dissolve by adjournment without day. At such assemblies all who respond constitute the meeting, and shortly after the time set in the call for the meeting arrives, some person who has been instrumental in calling the meeting will rise, face the assembly, and say the meeting has been called, and either nominate some person present for chairman, or call for nominations for chairman.

6. While it is customary for some friend of the nominee to second the nomination, such a nomination does not require to be seconded, for the reason that it is the inseparable right of any member to nominate and to vote for one of his own choice, whether any one else coincides or not, and for the further reason that a nomination for office (unless by special rule of the assembly) is not an essential preliminary to voting, because it cannot control the right of