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Permanent Organization.
§ 14

such cases it is customary to first effect a temporary organization by electing temporary officers, as described in section 4. The chairman of such temporary organization then appoints a committee on credentials to examine into and report upon the evidences of election, or the validity of the credentials, of those claiming seats as members. This committee will, after consultation, report as to who are entitled to seats in the assembly, or the committee will report disputed cases with recommendations. These disputed cases will be decided by the assembly.

14. If a delegate's right to membership is questioned he is entitled to a hearing by the committee on credentials, or by the convention before the final vote is taken. Only those whose credentials are not disputed have a right to vote. After the membership has been decided, the assembly will, by vote, perfect the organization by making the temporary officers the permanent, or by electing permanent officers, or by appointing a committee to nominate permanent officers, to be approved by the assembly.