Page:Felt’s Parliamentary Procedure Upload 2.pdf/52

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Debate and Decorum.
§ 43

personal reflections concerning any member. Any use of personalities should be promptly stopped by the presiding officer. If the presiding officer fails to do this, any member may interrupt the speaker by a call to order. The speaker should not arraign the motives of any member. He may, however, assail the argument in the strongest terms, or use any fair means to show the deception, injustice, or fallacy of the argument.

43. Debate on any debatable question (unless the previous question [97] is ordered) is not closed until the negative is put, it is in order for any member to ask the floor to speak for or against the question. If, after the chairman has announced the vote, it is found that a member who had not spoken to the question had risen for the purpose of speaking to the question before the negative was put, he is as much entitled to a hearing as if the vote had not been taken. In such cases the question is in the same condition as if it had not been put, and must be put over again, on the affirmative