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To Adjourn.
§ 83

tervening business. It may be amended by changing the time or place of meeting, or it may be considered. If made when no question is before the assembly it becomes a principal motion (27) and is debatable, but if made when another question is before the assembly it is undebatable. [See also note to Section 127].


83. The motion to adjourn takes precedence of al questions, except to fix the time to which to adjourn, questions of privilege requiring immediate action and questions of order relating to the adjournment. It is not in order when another member has the floor, or while the members are voting on any question, or when the previous question (97) is pending [See note to Sec. 73 A]. It cannot be renewed until some business has intervened, or until such length of time has been consumed in debate as to make the question virtually a new one.

If unqualified the motion to adjourn cannot be debated or have any other motion applied to it, but in order to take precedence