Page:Fiddler's Farewell.djvu/112

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Closing in on me,
Granite waters that have crashed together,
Flooded and filled the hollows!

What are a million years?

These spread peaks
Are Eternity's stone fingers
On which she reckons the rhythm
Of centuries.

And they say the jungle crawled, lush and savage,
In this ascetic place.
Once I saw a glacier-rock
Lying numbered on a museum-shelf,
And as if carved upon it,
The drooping slender outline of a palm-leaf
Fallen from a too hot sky.

Count on, stone fingers!
Fingers of ice, recount these careless wonders!

The sea was here.
Hidden beneath the ripples of oncoming hills
Cattle are grazing on its grassy floor;
The sound of bells drifts by
Like sea-weed on the surface of the air.

What are a million years?
I thought: These shall endure
Though the sky tumble!—