Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 2.pdf/27

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limestone is a conglomerate laid on an eroded surface. It is in a crushed zone, however, and the apparent nonconformity may be due to crushing. Below the conglomerate just mentioned are red thin bedded slightly calcareous sandstone dipping 10˚ N. 63˚ E., which is in turn underlaid by conglomerate unconformable on lower similar sandstones and then other conglomerates all slightly calcareous in places. Section at Owl Canyon Owl Creek Canyon, Colorado, top and bottom reversed. -Granite -Covered zone, 25 ft., perhaps weathered granite as at Red Mt. Red Mt., Colorado Very massive, hard, coarse conglomerate, dip 15˚ bearing N. 63˚ E. 8 ft. same conglomerate appearing at intervals above debris for 200 yds to E with rotten deep red conglomerate in upper 100 yds, of considerable thickness -Covered zone of 200 yds or more with 4 or 5 ft of hard gray limestone about midway -Pinkish gray calcareous sandstone, rather thin bedded.