Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 2.pdf/40

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The upper friable conglomerate is exactly like that on N. Box Elder North Box Elder Creek, Colorado just above junction with S fork South Box Elder Creek, Colorado, but is not at all effervescent. At Box Elder Box Elder, Colorado, however, there is no hard conglomerate beneath it. It rests on the granite. I am inclined to believe the hard stuff is older and begins to come in at Owl Canyon Owl Canyon, Colorado where I found it in contact with the granite. After dinner I found outcrops of the conglomerate in the creek bed and west of the creek in such position as to practically connect the different conglomerates through the covered zones. The clear exposure of conglomerate E of creek measured this morning has a pinkish appearance due to the intermingling of white and red, making a well defined difference in color from the evenly reddish overlying Lyons sandstone. The conglomerate passes gradually into the Lyons by