Page:Field Notes of Junius Henderson, Notebook 4.pdf/32

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Cardium procerum-22 subangular, smooth ribs, narrow grooves between-angle nearer anterior side.
Cardium corbis-37 prominent, squarish, regular, close set ribs, slightly rugose by growth lines-ribs less prominent and rounder toward posterior side.
Cardium elatum- numerous faint, square ribs, fine wavy growth lines, very large, nearly smooth surface.
Tivela stultorum-large, heavy, short triangular sinus
Cryptomya californica- spoon tooth in one valve, shell small, oblong.
Lima dehiscens-small, oblique, narrow winged, finely ribbed as in Pteria
Pecten aequisulcatus- large, abundant
Pecten circularis-now lives only S of Cali.
Pecten latiauratus-thin, round. Common
Pecten (Hinnites) giganteus-large, heavy, irregular
Anomia lampe- radial ridges, common at Long Beach
Anomia limatula-southern, no radial sculpture
Ostrea lurida- common
Ostrea lurida expansa- circular
Ostrea lurida rugoides-red within
Monia macroschisma- like large heavy Anomia, green within, muscle scar radial ribbed
Chama exogyra- sinistral from above, not pellucid
Chama pellucida- dextral from above, pellucid
Psammobia-oblong, red rayed, sharp cardinal tooth with vertical raised plate back of it.
Macoma secta-large, with horizontal plate back of cardinal tooth, sinus large and irregular, posterior external ridge-common.
Macoma nasuta-smaller, no plate back of tooth posterior point bent back
Chione succinata- concentric ridges remote, prominent lunule with growth lines and radial ribs
Chione undatella- concentric ridges more numerous and regular, and more prominent than ribs, lunule not radially ribbed
Chione fluctifraga- surface blocked, no lunule, sinus small on this genus, cf. next
Paphia staminea- concentric and radial ridges about equal, cancellation beautiful
Paphia ruderata- concentric ridges much heavier than ribs
Paphia tenerrima- concentric and radial lines fine, sinus in this genus very long
Amiantis callosa- common, fine.