Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/102

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Fifty Candles

me. Go to Su Yen Hun’s house—you know, the big Chinese millionaire—it’s just round the corner on Post Street. Give Su my compliments and ask him to step over here a minute.”

“Yes, sir,” said Riley, and promptly disappeared.

“I can tell you in advance—this is not Su’s fiftieth birthday,” Mark Drew said. “He’s a very old man—eighty or more.”

“I know he is,” Barnes answered, “but he’s worth a question or two anyhow. Now while you people are waiting for your coffee I’ll have a look about the up-stairs.” He paused at the foot of the stairway. “Myers is in front, and Murphy’s in the garden,” he smiled. “Good men, both of them. So keep your seats.”

As the detective walked briskly up the stairs I was startled to see Mary Will’s eyes following him, wide and frightened. I went quickly to her side, but before I could speak Doctor Parker cut in.

“That is an outrage!” he cried. He rose