Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/143

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Fifty Candles

stairs. Doctor Parker had found his overcoat and was putting it on. Hung stepped forward to assist him, when Mark Drew spoke.

“All right, Hung,” he said. “Go to your room. I’ll wait here to look after things. You’ve passed your fiftieth birthday—I’ve not forgotten—you are your own master now. Good night, and good luck!”

For a long moment Hung looked at him. Then he bowed.

“Thank you,” he said. “Good night.”

He went silently up the broad stairs. Mark Drew waited about two minutes, then followed just as silently. I could see him stop in the shadows at the top, and stand there, as though on guard. Barnes turned to the two patrolmen.

“Come on,” he whispered hoarsely. “Quick! Don’t make a sound. Come with me.” He led them into the dining-room, while we waited, completely at sea. In a moment he returned to the