Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/36

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Fifty Candles

pearls of wisdom fall from youthful lips.”

“You’ll discover how very wise I was—in time.”

“Perhaps. But you haven’t answered my question. What are you going to do? You can’t stay on with the Drews—that little rotter———”

“I know. He hasn’t been nice to you. But he has been nice to me—very.”

“No man could help but be. And it hasn’t done that young wife of his any harm to have a companion like you—for a change. But it’s not a job I care to see held by the girl I mean to marry.”

“What girl is that?”

“The girl who has it at present.”

“If you mean me—I shan’t go on being a companion. Mr. Drew has promised to find me a position in San Francisco. They say it’s a charming city.”

“I don’t like to see you mixed up with Drew and his kind,” I protested. “I’ll not leave San Francisco until you do.”