Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/40

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Fifty Candles

filled with them. Look them over from the Golden Gate to Fifth Avenue.”

“And if, after I’ve looked them all over, I still come back to you? Then what?”

“Then you will be a fool,” laughed Mary Will.

The voice of the ship’s doctor announced the end of inspection, and at once the deck was alive with an excited throng, all seeking to get somewhere else immediately. Carlotta Drew passed and called to Mary Will.

The girl held out her hand. “Good-by,” she said.

“Good-by?” I took her hand perplexed. “Why do you say that? Surely we’re to meet again soon.”

“Why should we?” she asked.

That hurt me. I dropped her hand. “Ah, yes, why should we?” I repeated coldly.

“No reason at all. Good-by and good luck!” And Mary Will was gone.