Page:Fifty Candles (1926).djvu/89

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Fifty Candles

pels me to add that he was going at a rather rapid gait away from the house.”

“How did you know, if you were lost yourself?” Barnes asked.

“It was later proved when we met Officer Riley and he showed us the way.”

I saw the eyes of Parker and Carlotta Drew meet then, and I knew without further proof that a partnership had been formed to fasten this crime on me, if possible. But why? There could be but one reason, and I was startled as it flashed into my mind. Where was Doctor Parker at a little before seven-thirty? Lost in the fog—alone.

Detective Barnes turned again to Carlotta Drew.

“Now, Mrs. Drew,” he began, “please tell me what you were doing at half past seven o’clock?”

“I was in my room, dressing for dinner,” she said. “Miss Tellfair, my companion, was with me. I have no maid at present, and I had called her up