Page:Fighting blood (IA fightingblood00witw).pdf/188

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minutes' work, usually twenty. They's millions of college guys workin' two years for the same money. Laugh that off!"

"But, Kayo," I says, "ten years from now you'll be through in the ring, and not having no other trick, why, that means you'll be through everywheres! You never save a nickel, so what will you do? You'll be hanging around the cheap fight clubs, picking up a dollar here and there as a handler or a human punching bag for some fellow training for a fight. But ten years from now the college guys which is working cheap at present as newly made lawyers, doctors, and this and that will be making more jack than you ever saw, Kayo, and they'll make it right-up to the time they die!"

"Blah!" sneers Kayo. "Be yourself! I ain't bothered about ten years from now or even one year from now. I never worry about yesterday or to-morrow. Yesterday's gone and to-morrow I may be gone. To-day's all that bothers me!"

With that he walks off whistling "Sing a Song as You Walk Along!"

Kayo didn't have a care in the world—or a chance—while he thought like he did then!

Well, just when I'm sitting pretty with Judy and everything is jake between me and the world, I get a terrible shock. I meet her on the stairs going to my room, and if she'd of looked any prettier she'd of fell in love with herself! The net effect on me I will leave in care of your imagination.

"How's your jaw, Gale?" she inquires tastefully.