Page:Fighting blood (IA fightingblood00witw).pdf/275

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the science we're in now. So, as a matter of fact, I'll be 50 per cent business man and 50 per cent box fighter, till the time comes when I'm 100 per cent business man and only go to a fight club as a witness."

"Which I hope will be soon!" says Judy, now all smiles again. "I certainly think it's wonderful that you've actually gone into-business, Gale, even if you're only going to devote part of your time to it. I'll wager you'll soon get so interested in making your new venture a success that you'll give up boxing without a qualm. This is the best news I've heard in many a day. Congratulations and the best of luck to you!"

"Much obliged, Judy," I says. "And now I wonder if you'd do me a favor?"

"I'll do anything for you that I can, Gale," she tells me. "You know that."

"Well," I says, "when we get our movie theatre all set, would you mind—eh—would you mind christening it for us for good luck?"

"Why, I'll be delighted!" she tells me—and looks it. "Let's think up a real attractive name—one that will be striking and descriptive of the theatre, too. Let's see, your theatre should be a delight to the eye, physically, and a delight to the soul, spiritually. Now I wonder just what name would describe that?"

"I got the name which fits that description like the skin fits a olive," I says. "We'll call the theatre 'The Judith'!"

Judy gasps and her face gets redder than a rose, only it looks much prettier.